Adriana Rizzolo – Power of Love Advanced Training
Course Curriculum
- Power of Love Circle Guidelines
- Basic Principles & Teachings
- Homework Guidelines
- Training Dates
- Private Sessions
Journey of the Inner/Outer Revolution
- History of Yoga
- My History with Yoga
Week One
- Week One Lesson: The Spirit of Service, Sacred Feminine, and Holy Spirit Within
- Week One Homework
- Poem: “Ode 1957: The Intellectual”
- Meditation: Who Am I?
- Meditation: Neti Neti | You Are A Soul
- Om Namah Shivaya
Week Two
- Week Two Lesson: Kundalini Shakti, Shiva, and Sadhana
- Week Two Homework
- Meditation: Om Mantra
- Guru Mantra
Week Three
- Week Three Lesson – Sharing a Dance with the Lord
- Week Three Homework
- Inversion Notes: Handstand, Headstand & Forearm Balance
- Meditation: Ram Mantra
Week Four
- Week Four Homework
Week Five
- Week Five Lesson – Come Dance
- Week Five Homework
- Ma Meditation
Week Six - Week Six Lesson – Above all else, Love
- Morning Meditation & Kriya
Week Seven
- Week Seven Lesson – Unlearning back to Love
- Hamsa Meditation
Week Eight
- Week Eight Lesson – Giving Up What No Longer Works
- Week Eight Homework
- 6.3.18 Meditation
About the Poses
- Asana Postures
Week Nine
- Week Nine Lesson
Week Ten
- Week Ten Homework
- Birdsong From Inside The Egg
- Ganesha Gayatri
Week Eleven
- Week Eleven Lesson: Trust you will be shown the way
- Week Eleven Homework
Week Twelve
- Week Twelve Lesson
- Week Twelve Homework
- Sequencing: General Setup
- Sequencing: Meditation Classes, Healing Circles & Workshops
- Sequencing: Asana Class (General)
Week Thirteen
- Week Thirteen Lesson
- Meditation: The Koshas
Week Fourteen
- Inner Child Meditation
Week Fifteen
- The Yoni Principle (Excerpted from David Harshada Wagner)
- Kirtan Mantras & Translations
Your Instructor
I am a spiritual guide, meditation teacher, embodiment and intimacy coach, transformational speaker, podcast host and author.
I’m trailblazing a body and heart-based healing movement that supports others in cultivating and spreading authenticity through passion, pleasure and purpose. Highlighting the importance of both relationship and ritual, as a natural part of living a fulfilling life.