Adrianne Flinn – Power Up Your Pelvic Floor
If a weak pelvic floor is keeping you from
“jumping for joy…”
Let’s face it, the female pelvic floor goes through
A LOT in a lifetime.
Sooner or later, your pelvic floor will weaken no mater what the circumstances.
SNEEZE…..eeek! Did I? Please tell me I didn’t pee…Ughhh!
You’re missing out on fun exercise or playing with your kids because you can’t run around the park or jump on the trampoline without peeing in your pants!
You don’t leave the house without black pants on or a panty liner.
You’re lower back hurts.
Yet, soooo many women are suffering with this day in and day out.
I’m here to show you how to bust through that way of life.
With this step – by – step process, you’ll learn how to organically strengthen your pelvic floor, and be a new kind of strong in 8 weeks!
It’s time to get your life back and make pelvic floor dysfunction a thing of the past.
You didn’t have to spend another second worrying about accidentally peeing.
You could run out the door to enjoy your exercise of choice OR spend quality time playing with your kids.
You can wear all of the clothes that make you feel fabulous without “what if” concerns about leaking.
Your lower back pain is gone.
And three you may not have even thought about:
Your (super important) core muscles are now firing properly in your fitness classes because your pelvic floor plays an intricate role in the activation of them.
You have significantly reduced your risk for pelvic organ prolapse.
You’ve reduced risk of injury.
I teach a step – by – step process, that will systematically and organically strengthen your pelvic floor over the course of 8 weeks.
It’s time to get your life back and make pelvic floor dysfunction a thing of the past.
Course Curriculum
- Welcome to the Pelvic Floor E-Course (2:38)
- What’s Up With the Pelvic Floor (10:44)
- Why the Pelvic Floor Gets Weak (8:00)
- Pelvic Floor Anatomy (9:56)
- Pelvic Floor and Team Deep Core (13:51)
- Incontinence (3:26)
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse (15:01)
- How to Find Your Neutral Pelvis Video Demonstration (4:15)
- Neutral Pelvis PDF
- All About Intra-Abdominal Pressure (8:28)
- Intra-Abdominal Pressure Video Demonstration (3:16)
- 5 Steps to Pelvic Floor Strength
- Week 1 Directions
- How to Perform a Kegel Correctly (15:59)
- Biofeedback on the Ball Video Demonstration (2:59)
- Kegel Checklist
- Week 1 Practice Chart
- Week 2 & 3 Directions
- Kegel Exercise Prescription (11:10)
- Week 2 & 3 Practice Chart
- Week 4 & 5 Directions
- Week 4 & 5 Practice Chart
- Live Meet-Up Monday 5/4/20 & 5/11/20 @3:00pm PST
- Week 6 & 7 Directions
- Pelvic Floor Firing Up Transversus Abdominis Video Demonstration (2:21)
- Integrating the Pelvic Floor (13:06)
- Integrating Pelvic Floor into Full Body Movements Video Demonstration (4:54)
- Week 6 & 7 Practice Chart
- Live Meet-Up Monday 5/18/20 @3pm PST
- Week 8 Directions
- 7 Minute Pelvic Floor Workout Video to Follow Daily (7:16)
- Mat Workout Integrating the Pelvic Floor
- Integrating Pelvic Floor into Full Body Movements PDF
- Week 8 Practice Chart
- Weekly Check-In for Habit Change
- Tools for Scheduling
- Calendar Scheduling Video Tutorial
- Proper Potty Technique (13:38)
- Foam Rolling Techniques of the Lower Body to Benefit the Pelvic Floor Video Demonstration (8:37)
- Diaphragm Fascial Tissue Release to Benefit the Pelvic Floor (12:43)
- Private Facebook Group