Adrienne Dorison – Run Like Clockwork Lite
Introducing the Run Like Clockwork
If you’re an entrepreneur who’s feeling like YOU’RE the bottleneck to more growth, more freedom + more impact, this is your chance to finally say goodbye to overwork, overwhelm, and limited growth.This is your opportunity to start designing your business to run like clockwork!
Unfortunately that’s what happens to so many business owners, and I get it!
Maybe you even hired some team members thinking that would free up your time…
…(ya know — so that you can focus on the high level work), only to now be bogged down all day with questions + interruptions from the very team members that were hired to make your life easier…
And then you find yourself mumbling under your breath…

But, I’m calling BS on that.
If you’ve ever said…

Then The Run Like Clockwork Accelerator is for you.
How Long Could You Step Away From the Business Before Things Start Falling Apart … or Grinding to a Halt?
An hour, a day…maybe two…a week at the max?
The good news is that you can!
The great news is the Run Like Clockwork Accelerator is how you make it your reality.
But to get your business running like clockwork… the first step is always KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE NOW, and getting clear on WHERE YOU’RE HEADED!
Phase One: DOING
- You’re still DOING the majority of the time.
- You’re spending your days executing tasks + projects.
- You may even have team members, but without you continuing to do the actual work, the business wouldn’t survive.
- You’re essential to the day-to-day operation and quite frankly there wouldn’t be a business without you there everyday making it happen.
Phase Two: Deciding
- You spend a lot of time answering questions, approving, reviewing + giving feedback to team members.
- You thought having team members would free you up, but at this point all it’s done is bog you down.
- You often feel like you’ve answered lots of questions + made 407 decisions at the end of the day.
- You’re exhausted & often feel like you never have time to get any of your own work done.
Phase Three: Delegating
- You spend a good chunk of your time training, elevating + mentoring the team to make sure they are able to be autonomous in their roles.
- You’re working on getting team members to a place where they can operate without you.
- Your team members know exactly what to do to achieve the outcomes they’re responsible for and don’t need your approval to make decisions.
- Your team members can make decisions without involving you.
- They’re experts in their roles and quite honestly they can do the doing even better than you!
Phase Four: Designing
- You spend the majority of your time in the visionary seat of your business.
- You have tons of time to strategize, dream up the bigger picture and have lots of SPACE within your work days and weeks.
- You’re no longer involved in the day-to-day operation and the business actually grows without your involvement each + every day.