Brian P.Moran – 12 Week Year Special Training
“How to achieve goals with laser focus and precision is answered by co-authors Brian Moran and Mike Lennington in The 12 Week Year. Are You Ready to Crush Your Personal & Business Goals? Because if you are, then you might be ready for the fastest goal achievement program ever created. This same program is powering some of America’s most highly recognized companies. The 12 Week Year goal achievement program will teach you how to accomplish more of your goals in 12 weeks than most do in 12 months. If you have ever done a Google search for “REACHING GOALS”, you know there’s no shortage of ideas floating around on this subject. Establishing goals is important if you want to succeed in life. But what really matters is not the setting of your goals, but rather the achievement of your goals. What you want to learn is not necessarily how to set goals, but more importantly, how to achieve goals. You don’t need another goal setting program; you need a goal achievement process! In order to achieve your goals you will need to learn to execute. In the end, the marketplace only rewards those ideas that get implemented. Let’s face it the best ideas and strategies are worthless unless they are implemented. The people that experience more success in life don’t necessarily have better ideas. What they do have is a better system of implementing ideas and techniques for accomplishing goals. The bottom line is that successful people execute better. Achieving your goals is all about execution. Execution is simply carrying out your plan to fruition. Effective execution means carving out time each and every week to focus on the high payoff activities. It means rising above the day-to-day and focusing on the future. Plain and simple it is getting things done – the right things. If you are ready to improve your execution and accomplish your goals The 12 Week Year will give you an effective plan for how to achieve goals.”
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